Monday, October 8, 2012

Give a what? GIVEAWAY! Take This Regret... There is nothing to regret about reading this book!

"wonderful, perfect, and entirely horrifying."
I don't think I could have put it better myself! This book was so good.  I know in my first and last blog I stated I was putting down the books and picking up the pencil... But technically I picked up a Kindle... So I don't think it counts. But seriously. Everytime I turned my Kindle on to continue on Elizabeth and Christians journey I cried.. REALLY CRIED. Like husband looking at me as if I had been punched in the gut. So yes this book will make you cry. However it is one of those reads where you know it is going to end in a "Happily ever after." So welcome the tears. Embrace the tears.

So this is officially my first blog on ONE book. I am so nervous I am shaking.  Well, everyone knows am I so anti spoiler.. I want to hunt down the people who leave reviews that spoil books because it takes away from everyone. It takes away from the Authors who poured a piece of themselves into what they wrote and it takes away from the reader who now knows what is going to happen. So I will let the writer do most of the speak and give you only a hint of what should be the next book you read. (which keep reading and you might find that you may be reading it sooner than you know.)

A woman with a "wounded heart that had forgotten how to trust but hadn't forgotten how to love."
A man I hated in the beginning and slowly but surely fell in love with. "Once again, I found myself on the edge looking down, wondering when I'd get to close that I'd fall. Or maybe I'd just jump."  Which let me just tell you.. I jumped  and then was sad when  it was "Gone. Just like that, without warning." it was over. Except my kindle was flashing 99% done... I just didnt want it to be over! And you wont either! That is all you get from me... I cant give you more... I just can't do it.

So.. What did I mean by you might be reading this sooner than later? Why does this post say GIVEAWAY? What is there a give away? Well I loved this book so much and I want to share this beautiful story with someone ANYONE else! So.. because my followers are few but loved and truely cherished I am going to have a giveaway for an ebook copy of Take this Regret. How can you win you ask... Well its simple really.. If you havent been introduced to my unborn child P.F.D. go like my facebook page.!/PerfectlyFittedDistraction
Once you have leave me some love.
(If your interested the first chapter is available to read via the About section.)
If you already like the page leave me some love. This will get you an entry.
Other ways to get additional entries?
-Follow A.L. Jackson on Twitter @aljacksonbooks
-share this blog on facebook
-share PFD's page on facebook
-follow me on twitter @alabaster_doll
-share this blog giveaway on twitter with my username included.
-follow my blog
I honesty can't think of another way to give you an entry.
I will easily be able to track most of these things but once you have done them leave a comment below letting me know.. This will just make life easier for me.. Because isn't life already hard enough?
So you could get up to seven entries towards having this awesome book in your eReader!
Why are you still lingering? I have nothing more to say.. Except I love you all and good luck.. Now go crazy!

Oh I guess I do have more to say... This giveaway will go on until the clock stricks midnight next Monday! So a week.. Now you can go crazy!


  1. Brittany, This font is illegible. :( I Can't read anything without going blind.

  2. Ahhh! I don't want anyone going blind! you aren't the first person to mention that!!! Hope the new font is better! Let me know!

  3. I've done 4 of the above so that's me got 4 chances! Fingers crossed. Xx

  4. Yea. Good luck.. If you have any bookie friends let them know
